Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Letting People In

I don't know about you, but in my head I used to think that spending time with people (discipleship) would be a hassle. We are all so busy, how does anyone have time to disciple anymore? Take today for instance. I was all over LaPlace, Metairie, and Kenner getting things done for our boys upcoming birthday party, my brother-in-law's upcoming wedding, and his fiance's showers. Everything seems to be going on all at the same time! Literally after the wedding will be Gabe's first week of school and baby showers for two new arrivals (one from my sister and one from my sister-in-law)! Don't forget that I have to get all of it done with 3 boys getting in and out of the van at each store!!
When girls used to ask me to spend time with them, I used to think that I didn't have the time. And it's true. I may never have extra time. When they would join my crazy day, I was more stressed because I felt bad asking them to help me. Sometimes I felt like I had a fourth kid to entertain. This past year I got rid of my excuses and allowed them to join me and I've discovered two things:
1. They can be a really big help when you're not afraid to tell them what to do and how to do it. They love watching and learning how to be a mom. Isn't that what real discipleship is anyway?
2. I'm really good at being bossy!!
Today I purposely asked a girl from our youth group to come along for the chaos. I was able to go in and out of almost 10 stores without taking the boys out once accept for lunch. At one point we even had our dog in the van with us.
Usually by the end of a day like today I am exhausted, frazzled, frustrated, and totally regretting it altogether. Instead, it was totally enjoyable. By the end of the day I felt refreshed, happy, and content. And I'm sure she enjoyed it too! It's amazing how much better life can be when you let people in to live it with you, even if you have to boss them around a little. Just joking!!

1 comment:

  1. Bossy huh? Like Mother-in-law like daughter-in-law:)
