Saturday, July 25, 2009


On the way home from the grocery store tonight, Gabe informed me that he's going to buy a two-seater motorcycle. Here's how the conversation proceeded:
Me: "Oh really?"
Gabe: "Yeah I'm gonna get the kind with the seat in the back so you can ride with me."
Me: "And what color will your motorcycle be?"
Gabe: "Black...No...Rainbow."
Me: "And when are you going to get this motorcycle?"
Gabe: "When I'm six."
Me (Out loud laughing by now): ""
Gabe: "I know how to drive mommy."
Me: "You do?"
Gabe: "Yeah I'm gonna drive it like I drive my 4-wheeler (Power Wheels). I drive real good."
The even funnier thing is that he really does drive his 4-wheeler like a race car! Maybe he's a natural.


  1. Is Gabe's favorite color now rainbow? How unbelievably cute!

  2. what about a 3rd seat for me?

  3. Pops,
    I was glad he didn't say pink after he said black, but then he changed it to rainbow. Maybe we're getting a little closer!

  4. Aaron,
    The seats are for the REALLY cool people! Sorry.

  5. Your own wife got your there pastor, get'em pastress!

  6. I get him every chance I can Coach! :)
