Friday, April 23, 2010

Mommy Expectations

Since I've become a mom, my expectation level for myself has drastically changed. I used to look at this as my own failure. It left me feeling weak. I used to beat myself up for not being able to do what I knew I could do before kids. During my pregnancy with Isaiah I ran myself ragged trying to do everything I used to be able to do and eventually had a breakdown. I had to accept my circumstances in life as a mother of two boys and one on the way. I had to see it as a blessing from God, not a weakness or failure on my part.
Now my expectations are at mommy level. My old expectation for cleaning used to be to clean the whole house in one day. Now I'm happy when I complete one chore such as dishes or laundry or making a bed. I've even broken up laundry in steps. I never have time to separate, wash all 3-5 loads, fold, and put away. I'm happy if I do one of those things in one day. Usually after they are washed and dried, I put them on the couch to be folded. My goal for that is one week!
My Bible reading expectation used to be daily. Now my goal is that I never stop reading throughout my life. I know I'm not going to be able to read everyday, but I want my heart to be engaged in God daily in some way, whether it is in a conversation with God, a song I hear and sing to him, a passage I read and think about, a message I hear on the radio or a podcast, or telling someone what He's done in my life.
My expectation for grocery shopping used to be in and out as fast as I could, not letting anything or anyone get in my way. Now I'm happy if I get out of a store with anything in my cart and no crying kids or screaming mom (me).
My fashion expectation used to be that I constantly have something new, whether it was clothing, shoes, or an accessory. Now I'm happy to get something seasonal in the actual season we're currently in.
I have found that acceptance of who and where I am in life has helped me enjoy who and where I am. It has also helped me walk in the love and grace of God provided for me in each season I encounter.


  1. Yea! Yea! Yea! Finally - take the stress off of you and slow down a bit.


  2. Mom! I KNEW you were gonna like this one!!

  3. To quote Belin's plaque in the kitchen, "I hope my children look back on today, and see a mother who had time to play. There will be years for cleaning and cooking, for children grow-up when we are not looking". Cool.

  4. Yeah, don't sweat the small stuff!!! I love Cliff's quote..... life is too short!!!!!

  5. Disappointment comes when expectations aren't met. Glad to know I'm not the only PW who doesn't get uninterrupted quiet time everyday ;) thanks for the encouragement! It was great to see you this week- wish we could hang out more often!

  6. Great quote Pops! I wish I could remember that more often!

    So great to see you too Amber!! I love every minute of hanging out with you! I'm glad to be in it with YOU.
