Friday, February 25, 2011

Bright Ideas

Last night I had nothing cooked, no leftovers, and no money in my weekly food budget to go out and buy something. I am learning how to live on a budget. Something all girls should learn BEFORE marriage. I know there are so many people around the world that would consider us filthy rich, who have far less than I do in my kitchen. It really was my fault anyway. Instead of waiting for a day with no kids, I went to an expensive grocery store with Gabe and didn't spend wisely.
So in this learning process, I had a bright idea (or at least I thought it was). Instead of explaining or apologizing to the kids about our predicament, I gleefully declared last night "Eat Whatever You Want Night!" Or in other words, "Eat Whatever You Can Find Night." And they loved it. Everyone shouted "Yaaay!!!" and began searching through the refrigerator, cabinets, and pantry to see what they were going to get away with eating for dinner. It started off with cookies and hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream and other snacks I can't even remember. After their feast, I happily announced bath time to which they whined, "But we haven't even had dinner yet!" After telling them that what they had just eaten was their dinner, they said they wanted "real dinner." I happened to find a salad bag, craisins, croutons, bacon bits, and topped it off with Ranch dressing. It was just enough for everyone and to my surprise my kids actually ate salad for dinner!
So even though my bright idea turned dull, I have learned that no matter what your circumstance, especially with kids, you make it sound good (aka. have a good attitude), and everyone is happy - including you.


  1. 1st u offer junkfood for dinner, which you would think would be every kid's dream, and then they willingly eat salad for dinner! What is this world coming to?
