Thursday, October 1, 2009

What's Up

I have to say "Sorry" to my followers for taking so long to update. Our new life has thrown me for a loop! I'm still adjusting so I can't say I'm out of the weeds yet, but I think I'm getting there. Things that help me feel human again:
1. Spending time with my husband
2. Talking to God about my new life
3. Organizing what's been neglected
4. Sleep
5. Exercise
I had to take this whole week off from homeschooling the boys because I'm already getting behind. I keep asking myself if it is even worth it! I mean they aren't even in real school yet! But they do love it and are learning a lot, so I remind myself that, "Yes. It's worth it."
Some exciting news: (No, not pregnant yet. Don't know what's up with that). There is a core group of girls in our youth group that are committed to God and the youth ministry. This past year, I've met with them every 3 months or so to build relationships and impart my vision to see Jesus emotionally heal girls. I began with six girls and now we're at 10! Starting this past Sunday, we will be meeting once a month. We're going to be studying a book called "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. I highly recommend all of her books. This particular book impacted me when I was 16 in a Bible Study similar to this one. We are also going to be reading small books from Mercy Ministries on issues like girls cutting themselves, emotional and sexual abuse, eating disorders, etc. I'm so excited to see how we are all going to grow to serve others this season! What makes you feel normal again when your life feels out of control?

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, some things you mentioned are things that also work for me! Spending time with the Lord is of utmost importance, of course! That one on one with Him is what keeps me right! You mentioned getting things organized and I am a person who likes things to always be in order. If "things" get out of order, I feel that way, too! Sleep and exercise make a HUGE difference in what I can accomplish! Just try going without for a few days ~ UGH!!! One thing that really picks me up is when I make a real effort to encourage others! Their reactions to my words cause me to remember the things that are really important in life! Kinda puts things in the right perspective! Anyway, these are some of the things that help me out. Enjoyed your blog!
