Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bible Reading Plans

Unfortunately I have to confess that I've never read the entire Bible all the way through. Even more unfortunate is the fact that most Christians could say the same thing. I know it's a huge book, but how can we be complete as followers of Christ and children of God if we don't even know what it says. It would be like only reading bits and pieces of a regular book and trying to live your life by it and then trying to tell others what they should do too! That would be ridiculous!! So it's my goal to read the entire Bible. I've tried it before but it's never stuck. I usually bite off more that I can chew, so my goal this time is not to read it all in a year, but just to read it today.
I've never been a fan of the One Year Bible. I don't like skipping around from book to book. I've tried the Bible in Chronological Order, but couldn't get in to that because it was too much for me to read in one sitting. I would get sleepy and/or not complete the reading for that day and get way behind. I've also tried it on my iPhone, but it didn't feel right. I like reading it from a book because I love to underline things when they hit me and reading the Bible on a phone prohibits this. So finally, I discovered I can pick which kind of Bible reading plan I like best. I turn on my computer and exactly what I'm supposed to read pops up. Then as soon as I'm finished reading, I click a button that says "finished reading" and it gets checked for me. Since I still can't underline, I write my notes in a journal. I actually like this even better because I can write questions I have and go back later to dig deeper and I write out verses that I want to memorize or truths that speak to me about what I'm going through. I began this month and have thoroughly enjoyed it. For the first time, Genesis has come alive to me. I anticipate reading each time. I hope I stick with it. It will be well worth it.


  1. Hey Ashley it's krista. I have an app on my iPhone called Holy Bible & u can bookmark's pretty cool! My husband & I decided to read all the way through as well & it helps me so much! We started in September & just started Ecclesiastes. I know we are not NEARLY as busy as you are but it is so worth the time & effort! You are always in my prayers sweet girl! :-)

  2. WOW Krista it's amazing to see what God's done in your life! Great to hear what you're doing with your life.
