Monday, April 5, 2010

My New Journey

Well, I'm officially on a new journey. My life will never again be as I've known it and I have no idea where it's going. I only say it's official because I've finally accepted it. Nothing has changed, but I can feel it. It's a season of the unknown with lots of unanswered questions. Along with this come many choices. The first choice we make, sometimes unknowingly, is our attitude. Are we going to resent where we are in life with a bad attitude or embrace it and hang on for the ride? After this choice has been made, it affects our relationship with God. Are we going to be angry with God that things are not going our way, or trust him, believing that He is good and does everything because he loves us? Then that choice affects our relationships with man. If we are angry with God, we will become an angry person and treat people with frustration (i.e. our kids, husbands, family members, co-workers, cashiers, etc.)
At first I realized I was angry with God for things out of my control (Aaron having to get a job, us not being able to be in ministry together as before, our miscarriage, my dad's death, not liking what I think our future holds). Along with that comes three loud, energetic boys close in age and a house I cannot keep clean on my own. Also having to make a huge decision close to my heart - should I homeschool Gabe or send him to school?
I don't know the answer to any of those questions, but I have changed my mind about God. I am going to trust Him and embrace the ride.
Isaiah 33:6 "He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure."


  1. Don't worry....God will lead you and Aaron in the right direction! Kathy

  2. What's going on? I must have missed some scoop.
