Tuesday, May 11, 2010

From Generation to Generation

In my yearly reading plan, I'm in Exodus. I'm a little behind, but I'm not giving up. I may not read through the whole Bible in a year, but I will read it. So my goal has changed from reading it in one year to reading through the whole Bible in my lifetime. Perhaps I will even read it more than once. Oh how I long to be a seasoned woman of the Word in my 40's and even more as the decades go on.
It is amazing to me how the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart on purpose so that He could show his power and make his name famous in the land. Over and over again the Lord brought plagues upon the Egyptian people and utterly destroyed the land of Egypt. Can you imagine this happening in your city? Imagine all businesses burning to the ground in one night, frogs in your bed, so many locusts that the ground looks black, a city-wide blackout for three days, not a single tree or blade of grass left from a massive hail storm, all of your neighbor's firstborn sons dying? And that's not even all of the things that happened to them. The Bible says that there was not a home in Egypt without death. There was so much crying and wailing that it could be heard throughout the whole city. Imagine going outside in the middle of the night and all you hear is loud weeping and wailing. Then on top of that, none of this happening to the Christians in the same city. It would be all over CNN for months!
I don't get it, but God is God. His power displayed and his own fame being spread throughout the land was that important to Him. Then he wanted the Isrealites to fast and worship him on certain days every year on the day he delivered them and to do it from generation to generation. So not only did God want the people in those days to see his power and might, but he wanted them to pass it on for generations.
I'm wondering what our family could do each year so Aaron and I can tell our children and grandchildren how the Lord had mercy on us and delivered us out of our slavery. Then they can pass it on to their children and grandchildren. Lord make your name famous in our land by displaying your power and deliver our family members out of their slavery so that our generations may know you.

1 comment:

  1. You have such a heart for God Ashley. Totally awesome!
