Friday, September 3, 2010

She's Gonna Blow!

I just got finished reading "She's Gonna Blow! Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger" by Julie Ann Barnhill. I really loved telling people that I was reading it. I would have one of two responses every time. Either "Oh my gosh, tell me where you got it. I need to read that book so bad." Or the other response was a deer in headlights look. It's so funny because I can tell they feel really awkward and have no idea what to say.
I believe I found this book through divine guidance. I was reading another blog one day and one of her posts suggested to go to the Focus on the Family website to get info on a marriage interview she heard. I couldn't find the one she suggested, so I decided to check out the parenting section of interviews. All I remember seeing were the words "She's Gonna Blow" and I clicked in a desperate attempt for answers. It turned out to be an interview with Julie Ann Barnhill herself talking about her book. She mainly told personal stories about how she blew it over and over again as a mother with young children and how she found her way out her pit. I cried the entire interview. I couldn't believe that there was someone else just like me trying desperately to stay afloat in this sea called parenthood. I was so torn between being a good role model for my boys and loosing control of my emotions on an almost daily basis. I had so much guilt and confusion that I didn't know what to do with. Her book, talking to other moms, confessing to Aaron, and crying out to God for help has changed a lot of things in me.
A fellow mom's honesty and answers has given me much hope. Now I tell every mom I can about my own struggles and this book. If you relate in any way, I definitely suggest this book for you. Don't be afraid to admit your own struggles as well. Exposure always frees you from your darkness.

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