Friday, November 19, 2010

The Schedule

I have learned it's important to have some type of schedule in your life no matter what your personality is to keep you on track and focused. Otherwise, you might accomplish something but you might not. It's like that saying, "Aim at nothing and you'll hit it every time." I find it's easier to give into laziness when there is no direction for your day. I have had psycho schedules where I've designated every hour of every day. That one made me feel overwhelmed and if I didn't get to everything at the right time I'd just give up and try again the next day. What ended up happening was that after giving up for so many days in a row, I'd end up giving up for weeks at a time and completely forget what I was supposed to be doing. Another one I did was designate certain chores for certain days. That way I'd get at least one chore done a day. I liked that one, but in the busy seasons of life I began feeling overwhelmed again if I didn't stick to it. In the back of my mind I felt like I was behind at home and I don't like coming home from a busy day to a messy house.
Recently I've had no schedule. This seems like it's the best thing to do when you're schedule has filled itself up, but going from place to place doesn't make you feel like you've accomplished anything, at least not for me. After a few days of that I just feel tired and when I have down time, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing (no direction).
As I've been going through the book "A Woman After God's Own Heart," I've been challenged to be a hard worker, to plan my days and stick to it, and make up a new schedule. I think it's my most balanced schedule ever.
Sunday - Church in the morning and two life groups at our house (one in the afternoon and one at night, putting the boys to bed in between them). In between church and our life groups, we eat lunch, take naps, and clean the house for everyone to come over.
Monday - Clean the back of the house since the front was cleaned Sunday.
Tuesday - Go to the park or play outside. (I'm the kind of person who needs to schedule play time or I will work, work, work and never play or connect with my kids).
Wednesday - Laundry or floors. (I will only do one of those each week because they are both all day jobs). Actually I do laundry a couple of times a week, but Wednesday will be the day I finish all lingering laundry meaning folding and putting away.
Thursday - Outing to Metairie. (We go to to MOPS every other Thursday and I will try to only do my Metairie errands on this day instead of running the streets all week, which takes a lot of energy out of me).
Friday - Clean the front of the house so my Sunday cleaning won't be so much.
Saturday - Since this is Aaron's new day off, this will be the day we accomplish projects around the house or do a fun family outing.
This one was really easy for me to remember. I wrote each day on a small sheet of paper and wrote one word next to it so I could memorize it. I think if you have too much on your schedule, it will be easy to get overwhelmed like I did.
Aaron and I try our hardest to have at least one date night a week as well. Being in the restaurant business, that night stays flexible. And I say "at least one a week" because we keep our eyes pealed for any opportunity even if we've already had one that week because we might go two weeks without one and the next week we happen to be able to go on two or three dates that week. Really, Aaron is the one who manages this. He calls and says, "Hey wanna go out tonight?" He usually gets the sitter too, so I have to be ready and stay flexible. I have decided to go with the flow no matter how tired I am because it always refreshes me to connect with him.
So keep on working on your schedule to get the right one for you!


  1. Sorry if I seem like a " comment junkie" but it's hard not to express admiration for such quality, awesome stuff so you sort of have to blame yourself Ashley. :) you are so wonderfully open with your and your family's life. THANK YOU!!

  2. I LOVE comment junkies!!! Thanks for all of the support & encouragement!

  3. I say "ditch" the schedule and enjoy life one day at a time.

    Love, MOM
