Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mood Swings

The other day I woke up in the best mood which made me realize there are some days I wake up in the worst mood. What's up with that? Why do we naturally wake up one way or another? And the worst part about it to me is that those closest to us suffer the consequences. Recently, I was having one of those days where I just FELT like being crabby. I was trying my best to keep it together with my kids nearby because everything is contageous around them! But the minute my husband walked in the door I let him have it. He was in such a great mood he walked in the door practically skipping and singing. That made me even more aggrivated! When I'm in a cranky mood I want everyone to join me. Thankfully, my wonderful, stable husband never lets me get away with it. I had to go in the other room, pull it together, and come out a new woman. I know by now that if I fight him it only gets worse, so I did it. It's funny how our attitude makes us beautiful or very ugly. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could pop in a pill that would regulate our moods so we never have to wake up grumpy? Some say it's called Prozac. I think Jesus works much better. He's the only one who can change us from the inside out and make it a real, lasting change. What's your mood today?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! When I read this article, I thought I had written those words myself. It is awesome to have someone feel exactly what you are feeling and express it; letting you know that you are not alone. I am so proud to have an example in my life such as yourself on my quest also to be the best wife, mother, and spirtual helper to my husband. And when that day comes and God promotes us to whatever He would have us to do, I'll be sure to say I learned from the best. Thanks for being an awesome friend.
