Saturday, October 24, 2009

Walk in the Light

Jesus said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will NEVER walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8: 12.
If I want to walk in the light it will require being honest. For me, that means not only with my husband and mentors, but everyone I'm in relationship with. When we don't walk in honesty about who we really are, guilt follows us around like B.B.O. (bad body odor). From my own experience, keeping quiet about my sin makes me feel guilty and ashamed. I hate that feeling. Pride keeps me from confessing. Thank God for His mercy that "day and night (His) hand was on me." Ps 32.
Confession, even though I felt bad about it, has always brought me relief.
Celebrate Recovery says, "We are only as sick as our secrets." When we share our secrets, we divide the pain and the shame. The Word of God replaces our wrong self-image (what we think about who we are) with the right one. THEN, we can be all God intended us to be.
Secrets isolate us from each other. They prevent intimacy in all of our important relationships. Confession allows us to accept the blame for our part of the wrong doing and opens the door to restoration.


  1. I'm enjoying your points about confession! Also love the way your blog reads-like I can hear u saying it ;) ~Amber C

  2. Thanks Amber! I'm so glad you keep up with us!
